Flood compromises post-tension cabling by CREB Member Practice and Advocacy on Oct 24, 2014
Properties are still recovering from last year’s flood. For condos caught in the flood plain, post-tension cabling could still be compromised more than one year later. In a recent presentation at the Association of Condominium Managers conference, engineer Anast Demitt, of ADEM Engineering Consultants Inc., warned of the potential risk. Post-tension cabling provides structural support to buildings by reinforcing concrete slabs typically used in condominium parkades and within occupied residential levels. In a recent inspection conducted this past summer, a condo parkade level that was submerged during the flood was still water logged one year later. In his presentation on common and uncommon structural problems in buildings, Demitt reinforced the importance of conducting thorough structural inspections on flood zone condos. Condos buildings that were submerged in the flood should be inspected by structural engineers to reveal any inadequacies and reports should be kept on file within condo documents. While post-flood structural damages must be considered on a building-by-building basis, the best practice for REALTORS® is to advise potential condominium clients to always undertake a thorough review of the condominium documents. Whether it is with their lawyer, a professional review company or another qualified person, CREB® reinforces the need to review documents before making any purchasing decisions.